Friday, 24 February 2017

Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India

Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India is a surgery in which the surgeons will use the specialize video camera and instruments to perform the surgery and the camera and instrument will pass through with less than 2cm small incision into the chest, joint or abdominal cavities. Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India gives the ability to surgeons to perform the number of back or spinal injuries with little damage to the tissues surrounding the area as possible. The surgeons perform the Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India as there is less blood loss and the also have the fewer complications.

Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India is performed by the highly skilled and experienced surgeons only who are specialized in the orthopedic and provide the best outcome after the surgery by using the latest and modern technology equipment.

Every year thousands of people come down to India for their all kind of medical treatment with the best experts and surgeons in India. India is a country which delivers the best hospitals and clinics for the Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India for all the patients across the globe at a reasonable cost.

Purpose of Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India

The purpose of the Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India is to reduce spine trauma, prevent the spinal segmental motion and stability. The most important benefit of the Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India is that it requires a small incision which is less than 2cm as compared with the open surgery and also the Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India prevents the blood loss, less postoperative pain, and patient can return to normal activities quickly and fast as compared to open surgery.

Risks of Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India

The study says that the surgical procedures are attached with some risks. The risk after Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India may involve risks including bleeding, infection, inter-operative complications etc.

Recovery after Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India

After Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India you will be recovering quick and fast as compared with open surgery, however, for first six weeks, your doctor will limit your activities. After the Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India, most of the patients are encouraged to avoid the heavy object, frequent bending or twisting during first six weeks period. After 6 weeks you can begin your physical activities and exercises to achieve the rapid recovery.

Endoscopic Spine Surgery Cost India

The Endoscopic Spine Surgery Cost India is affordable for all the patients of every class and the doctors and the surgeons in India do not differentiate between the payees, needy or poor people. They provide the same quality of the treatment to all patients whether they are payee, needy or poor. This is the reason which attracts more patients within and outside the India to come down for their Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India by the best doctors and surgeons.

The Endoscopic Spine Surgery Cost India is one-fifth of the cost as compared with the other western countries.

If you are looking for the best Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India then sends your queries at or you can call on (+91) 99674-81441.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Cost – Effective Spine Surgery in India

Spine Surgery in India performed by the highly skilled and experienced spine surgeon who treat all the spinal problems and provide you the best Spinal Surgery in India to get rid of the pain. The Spine Surgery in India is done to treat the disorders of the spine such as disc problems of neck and back, spinal fractures, spine deformities, spine Bifida etc. 

Procedures for Spine Surgery in India

The following are the procedures performed by the spine surgeon to treat the spinal problems.

a)    Decompression: Decompression is the procedure of Spine Surgery in India which relieves the pressure on the nerve roots that has been caused by the herniated disc by a spinal tumor etc. The spine surgeon will perform this procedure as laminectomy or they perform as the minimally invasive procedure by using a microsurgical instrument which helps them to remove the pain surgically and after this, you will experience the relief of the symptoms of decompression.

b)    Fusion: Fusion is the procedure of Spine Surgery in India where two or more vertebrae are joined. This is the procedure in which damage and the painful vertebrae are fused into stable solid bone. The aim of fusion surgery is to eliminate the pain which has been caused by the abnormal motion of the vertebrae. This surgery commonly used to treat the lumbar region of the spine and also to treat the cervical and thoracic problems.

c)    Disc Replacement: Disc replacement is one of the most commonly used procedures of the Spine Surgery in India which helps in removing the disc and space is packed with bone graft. The spine surgeons will recommend the disc replacement only in the case when other non-surgical treatments are failed to reduce the pain by affected disc.

d)    Discectomy: Discectomy is the procedure of the Spine Surgery in India in which the spine surgeons will remove the central section of the herniated disc due to which the pain is caused in the spinal cord. The aim of the discectomy surgery is to provide the relief from the pain by removing the affected tissue. This procedure of the Spine Surgery in India is performed either as an open surgery or as a minimally invasive surgery.


The main aim of the spine surgeon to perform the Spine Surgery in India is to relief the patient from the pain which is caused by the herniated disc and offers them a better and healthy life to live.


To offer the best Spine Surgery in India and also provide the best medical and personal care for all the patients traveling to India for their Spine Surgery in India by using their latest and modern technology to treat their spinal problems.

Spine Surgery cost in Delhi

The Spine Surgery cost in Delhi is very reasonable and easily afforded by the people of every class. The Spine Surgery cost in Delhi is one-fifth of the cost as compared with the other western countries.

For further details on the Spine Surgery in India send us your medical history at or you can call us on (+91) 9029304141 (10 am. To 8 pm. IST)

Friday, 17 February 2017

Spinal Surgery in India

Spinal Surgery in India is performed by the spine surgeons if there any discrepancy in the functionality of the spine. The spine is the main support structure of your body which is made up of 33 bones structure which acts as building blocks in your body. The function of the spine is to protect you from spinal cord injuries and it also responsible for supporting your body, maintaining your posture, and facilitating the twisting, bending and other movements of your body. 

To protect your spine with any spinal problems the skilled and experienced spine surgeons performed various types of different Spine Surgery in India.

Types of Spine Surgery in India

a)    Lumbar discectomy: This type of Spine Surgery in India is performed by the spine surgeons to remove the lumbar which is lower back herniated disc material that causes the pressing on the nerve root or spinal cord. The lumbar surgery is same as the microdiscectomy surgery where the surgeon uses the special microscope to view the disc and nerves and this larger view allows the surgeon to use a small incision which causes less damage to the surrounding tissues.
Before the surgeons remove the disc material, the small piece of the bone from the vertebrae which affected. This process is called laminectomy which allows the surgeon to see the herniated disc in the better way. 

b)    Laparoscopic fusion: This type of Spine Surgery in India is performed by the spine surgeons where they can make about small 3-4 incisions in your abdomen and a port is inserted into one of the splits which allow the surgeons to view inside your abdomen easily. Your surgeon will perform the corrective surgery and they will discuss with you about the specific step of corrective surgery. After the Spine Surgery in India is accomplished, the carbon dioxide is released out from your abdomen through the splits and after that your surgeon will close the incisions.

c)    Spinal fusion: In spinal fusion, the Spine Surgery in India is used to correct the small bones problems of the spine and the in this procedure of the Spine Surgery in India it fuses together the painful vertebrae in order to heal the spine into a single solid bone.

d)    Cervical discectomy: It is one of the common procedure of the Spine Surgery in India which is use to remove one or more disc from the neck to provide you relieve the symptoms. In most of the cases, the surgeons not recommend the cervical surgery this can be treated as the non-surgical procedure by giving medications, physical therapies etc. However, the patient did not get relieved from the pain after using the non-surgical procedures then the only option left is the Spine Surgery in India.

Spine Surgery Cost in India

The Spine Surgery Cost in India is very reasonable as compared with the other western countries and every year number of people is rapidly increasing for the Spine Surgery in India as India has the best qualified and experienced spine surgeons to treat the spinal problems.
For more information on Spine Surgery inIndia email us at or you can contact us on +91 9029304141.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Neuro Spine Surgery in India – To prevent spinal problems

Neuro Spine Surgery is primarily concerned with the treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of the disorders which affect any part of the nervous system. Our body nervous system includes brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and extra-cranial cerebrovascular system.  The Neuro Spine Surgeon in India performs the Neuro Spine Surgery to correct your disease and injuries of your spinal cord. After the Neuro Spine Surgery, you will feel relieve from pain in your spinal cord also it also restores the function of your suppressed nerves. The conditions of neck and back pain also treated through Neuro Spine Surgery procedure.

Procedures for Neuro Spine Surgery

The following are the procedures performed by the Neuro Spine Surgeon in India:

a)       Laser Spine surgery: The Neuro Spine Surgeon in India perform the Laser spine surgery procedure on an outpatient basis and required a small incision only. The Neuro Spine Surgeon in India use an endoscope for directing a laser beam at the affected area and then the laser passes through the small incision which is made in the back of the back or neck. This is the best-proven procedure and also the recovery is quick in this procedure as compare with conventional spine surgery.
b)       Total Disc replacement: The Neuro Spine Surgeon in India performs the total disc replacement for removing pain and also preserves the natural motion. This procedure is recommended by the Neuro Spine Surgeon in India when all other therapies are failed. The Neuro Spine Surgeon in India makes an incision in front of the neck carefully and uses the Fluoroscopy to remove the artificial disc.
c)        Cervical Spine surgery: This surgery is performed by the Neuro Spine Surgeon in India to treat the number of spinal problems. The aim of cervical surgery is to eliminate the weakness, pain, tingling and numbness which caused in the spine. It also prevents the abnormal motion of the spine and restores the nerves function.
d)       Gamma Knife: This procedure is considered as one of the best procedure by the Neuro Spine Surgeon in India to treat the disorders of the brain. This procedure does not involve any surgery; it only requires the beams of the radiation therapy directly on the tumor.  This therapy is helpful in destroying the cancer cells and stops them from multiplying.
e)       Laminectomy: The Neuro Spine Surgeon in India performs the Laminectomy in which they remove a segment of the lamina, which is the top portion of the bone that encloses the spinal cord. This procedure can alleviate the pressure on the nerves and tissues.

Vision of Neuro Spine Surgeon in India
The main aim of the Neuro Spine Surgeon in India is to offer the best surgical procedure to all the patients at affordable cost. The Neuro Spine Surgeon in India and the other staff members provide the highest quality level of the treatment.

Mission of Neuro Spine Surgeon in India
To offer the comfortable and pleasant stay at the hospital during the Neuro Spine Surgery in India.

Neuro Spine Surgery Cost in India
The Neuro Spine Surgery Cost in India is very reasonable and it suits to the pocket of every individual as compared with other western countries.

For more information on Neuro Spine Surgery in India send your queries at or you can call on (+91) 99674-81441.